Lea-Der™ Drill Floor Traction Matting
Lea-Der™ Drill Floor Traction Matting
A two component custom blend of polyol polyurethane with embedded traction surface to withstand invert and other fluids encountered during the drilling process.

Custom manufactured from custom blend industrial polyurethane
Available in any colour with identified danger zones
Available in any colour with identified danger zones
Stainless steel studs embedded for added traction
Very durable and resistant to fluids
Channels in the surface allow for fluid run off & added traction
Worn surfaces can be repaired / restored / resurfaced
Approximately 8lbs per sq. ft.
Rotary Table Mats
1.25”/31.75mm or 0.75”/9.05mm thick or as requested
Yellow and Red are the typical colors
Can be attached to rig floors using conventional methods
Mats are manufactured to customer specifications/supplied drawings for ease of fit
Rotary Table Mats
1.25”/31.75mm thick or as requested
Usually safety yellow with orange sloped edges
Company name, rig # and danger are embedded in a contrast colour

Properties — Wet:
Solids: 100%
VOC: 0
Flash Point: 175ºC
Properties — Dry:
Tensile strength: 3000 PSI
Elongation: 231%
Hardness: 95 Shore A
Resurfacability: Excellent
Taber Abrasion: 4.4 mg Loss / 1000 cycles CS 17
Split Tear: 400 lb F/IN
Weatherability: 2500 Hours Passed
Water Absorption: Approx. Cold Temp. Rating: –70ºC
Dielectric Strength: (ASTM D149) 400Volts / Mil
Independent laboratory test performed UL94-HB test for flammability of plastic materials: PASS